Service Management System (SMS)

In-built value-added feature which triggers for a service request.

Service Management System SMS is inbuilt diagnostic tool, a value-added feature of KGK Jet CIJ machine. KGK is committed to the reliability of machine, running cost, timely Preventive Maintenance & uptime of machine, reducing the production loss, in which SMS playsan important role. The objective of Service Management System (SMS) is to provide uninterrupted & best quality output.

Key Benefits:

  • Preventive Maintenance for maximum uptime
    For optimal performance, KGK sets the machine on ideal settings for customer. Over time, machine moves away from ideal setting due to various environmental & operational conditions. SMS (Service Management System) requests, KGK engineer visits, checks more than 40 parameters and ensure machine is back to the right settings. Preventive maintenance visit ensures high operational efficiency and no production loss.
  • Pro-active assistance
    KGK Jet maintains elaborate customer machine record through SMS, we know exactly when to service the machine to ensure timely support. KGK Service team will contact operator even before start of service alerts.
  • Remote assistance for operators'
    Machine operators has multiple tasks during production, they keepshifting from one machine to other. KGK Jet SMS ensures the new operators are trained related to the operation of the machine &health check report are always available with new operator.
  • Eliminates operators' errors
    Even if operator ignores alerts, which can be potentially dangerous for the machine health, SMSdesigned to provide accurate health status to ensure timely action. KGK engineer schedules appointment on convenience of customer.This eliminates any possibility of production loss.

KGK commitment to maximum uptime and quality output

  • Why do I need SMS?
    Its’ an inbuilt diagnostic tool for all KGK Jet CIJ machine. SMS helps to attract the service team’s attentions for preventive maintenance. Ink and solvent are conductive in nature, they get contaminated once it comes in contact with low grade fluids or exposed to external environment. Preventive maintenance maximises up time and increase production.
  • How does SMS works?
    KGK has researched and programmedthe alerts for 90 days. The machine will display an alert 10 days in advance regarding the need for preventive maintenance.  KGK service team contacts customers during this period for preventive maintenance and fix appointment on convenience of customer.
  • Do KGK control my machine?
    The sole aim of KGK is to prevent the breakdown, instead of fixing the breakdown. At customers place service engineer perform preventive maintenance by checking prescribed 40 parameters. SMS providemaximum machine up time with no production loss for customers.
  • What if operator ignore all the alerts.
    Even if operator ignore curtail alerts, KGK service team contact customer and plan preventive maintenance along with machine operator.
  • How expired fluid can harm my machine.
    The contaminated fluids can severely damage filter and pump. As ink and solvent are conductive in nature the damaged pump can cause trouble and spoil the motherboard.  Pumps and filter used in KGK machine are designed for specific viscosity. The viscosity and specific gravity of expired consumables change. Hence, it is highly recommended to avoid using expired and non-standard fluids as customer may experience production and financial losses.
  • Will preventive maintenance obstruct my production?
    KGK service team perform 40 parameter checks on machines. And bring the machine to ideal setting for optimum performance. The task will take less than 30 minutes to complete.The team shall schedule the visit in consultation with your team.Customer has the freedom to select time slots depending on their comfort.
  • How expired fluid can harm my machine.
    The contaminated fluids can severely damage filter and pump. As ink and solvent are conductive in nature the damaged pump can cause short circuit and spoil the motherboard.  Pumps and filter used in KGK machine are designed for specific viscosity. This is highly recommended to avoid using expired and non-standard fluids as customer may experience production and financial losses.
  • Will preventive maintenance obstruct my production?
    KGK service team perform listed 40 parameters checks on machines. And bring the machine to ideal setting for optimum performance. The task will take less than 30 minutes to complete.